Apology Booklet - St Stanislaus College BATHURST NSWThe evil within The booklet of proceedings. This is what we had to sit through to be there and had to go back to the College. The College removed this from there web site.https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/89a4a6_7ea10e7707954c2b99707e9f5dba0d3d.pdf#Nationalapologytochildsexabusevictims #Stannies #DrAnneWenham #FrGregoryBrett #StStanislausBathurst #Beyondevil #AnneWhenman #ABC #StStanislausCollegeBathurst #Childabuse #SorryDay #Clergysexabuse #Vincentians #Childsexabuse #CathoilcChurch
The evil within The booklet of proceedings. This is what we had to sit through to be there and had to go back to the College. The College removed this from there web site.https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/89a4a6_7ea10e7707954c2b99707e9f5dba0d3d.pdf#Nationalapologytochildsexabusevictims #Stannies #DrAnneWenham #FrGregoryBrett #StStanislausBathurst #Beyondevil #AnneWhenman #ABC #StStanislausCollegeBathurst #Childabuse #SorryDay #Clergysexabuse #Vincentians #Childsexabuse #CathoilcChurch